Hristo Gaberov

Творческа автобиография
Дата и място на раждане: 07.07.1973 г. гр. Кърджали
Образование: висше – 1996 г. ВТУ "Св.Св.Кирил и Методий" – живопис
член на СБХ
Семейно положение: женен
1999-2000 – обиколка на Африка с велосипед по маршрут:Турция – Сирия –
Йордания – Израел – Палестина – Египет – Кения –Танзания – Малави –Мозамбик – Зимбабве – ЮАР
Творческа биография: художник на свободна практика
Самостоятелни изложба
2020 ,,Къщата на София,, София
2019-Арт галерия ,,Дар,, Кърджали
2018-Градска галерия Поморие
2016 -Градска галерия Сливен
2014- Галерия „Форум,, София
2013- Галерия за Модерно изкуство София 2012- Кърджали – Арт-галерия "ДАР"
2010 – Хасково Арт Галерия „Форум”
2009- Бургас – Градска Галерия
2008 – Пловдив – Галерия „Жорж Папазов”
2007 – Пловдив – Галерия „Ромфея”
2006 – Хасково – Драматичен театър"Иван Димов",
Кърджали Арт-галерия "ДАР
2005 – София, Галерия Феста
2003 – Чикаго – алианс за развитие и прогрес-участие ,
Кърджали – Арт-галерия "ДАР", Пловдив – галерия
"Владиславов", Бургас – галерия " Богориди",
Шумен и Варна – галерия "Епсилон"
2001 – Амстердам – фондация "2000", Холандия – участие в " Хиляда и една причини защо обичаме земята" /пътуваща изложба – Ню Йорк, Лос Анжелис, Берлин, Токио, Сеул/, Холандия – участие в изложба "Тайната на Исус Христос"
2000- Претория, ЮАР – изложба, Кърджали – арт галерия "Дар"
1998 – София – Руски културен център, София – арт галерия
1997 – Хасково -арт галерия " Кредо"
1996 – Кърджали – градска галерия
1994 – Велико Търново – градска галерия
1993 – Кърджали – градска галерия
1992 – Кърджали – градска галерия
Негови картини са притежание на частни колекции в Португалия, ЮАР, САЩ, Холандия, Италия и др.
На 2.09.1999г. Христо Габеров и пътешественикът Володя Сорокин предприемат пътешествие с колело до Южна Африка, като минават през Близкия Изток – Турция, Сирия, Йордания, Израел, Палестина, Египет – 5 500км за два месеца и половина. Прелитат разстоянието от Кайро до Найроби, Кения. След това отново на колела преминават през Кения, Танзания, Малави, Мозамбик и Зимбабве до Южна Африка – общо 7 000км. Пътешествениците се връщат обратно в Европа със самолет от Йоханесбург до Лисабон. Отново тръгват с колелата и минават през Португалия, Испания, Андора, Франция, Швейцария, Германия, Австрия, Италия, Словения, Хърватска, Сърбия и най-накрая България – общо 4 500 км в Европа. Нямали са спонсори, всеки от тях е разполагал с $1000. Цялото пътешествие продължава 300 дни. Те минават през 23 държави на три континента като 16 500 км са на колела.
След завръщането, Христо нарисува картини посветени на пътешествието, за да видите картините посетете-
Date and Place of Birth – July, 7th, 1973, Kardzhali
Education – Masters Degree in arts, University of Veliko Tamovo”St.St. Kiril and Metodii” Graduation year – 1996 Marital Status: married
1999-2000 a round the world bike journey to Africa. Route: Turkey, Siria, Jordania, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Kenya, Tansania, Malavi, Mozambik, Zimbabwe, South African Republic.
2013 -Kardzhali-Art gallery-one man exibition
2010 – Haskovo – Forum Art Gallery
2009 – Bourgas – City Gallery
2008 – Plovdiv – Jorj Papazov Art Gallery
2007 – Plovdiv – Rompheya Art Gallery
2006 – Haskovo – City Theatre – one man exhibition
2006 – Kardzhali – Art galelry – one man exhibition
2004 – Shoumen – Epsilon Art Gallery
2004 – Bourgas – Bogoridi Art Gallery – one man exhibition
2004 – Plovdiv – Vladislavov Art Gallery
2003 – Chicago – “ Bogoridi” Art Gallery visiting Chicago
2001 Amsterdam – “2000 Foundation”, “ A thousand and one reasons why we lvoe the Earth” – a travelling exhibition – New York, LA, Berlin, Tokio.
2001 – Holland participates in “Jesus’s secret” exhibition 2001 – Plovdiv – Vladislavov Art gallery 2000 – Pretoria, South African Republic;
2000 – Kardjali, “Art” Gallelry
1998 – Russian centre of culture, Sofia – one man exhibition 1997 – Haskovo – “Kredo” art gallery – one man exhibition 1996- Kardzhali – City Gallery- one man exhibition 1994- Veliko Tarnovo – City Gallery – participation 1993- Kardzhali – City Gallery – one man exhibition 1992- Kardzhali – City Gallery – one man exhibition
Has been a Member of the Bulgarian Union Art since 2000. His paintings are owned by private collectors in Portugal, South African Republic, USA, Holland, Italy, etc..
For more information, you can visit WWW. GABEROV. COM
“To be a great living artist you must connect your art with the living. Many great works of art are appreciated because of the stories they tell, a glimpse from a time or journey without cameras or video equipment. However, today, to appreciate the artwork from a living artist, one seeks what our eyes lack in our busy days of technology. We find ourselves in awe of the ability of an artist to capture the beauty that surrounds us yet somehow our own eyes miss. That is the true talent of Bulgarian Artist, Hristo Garberov. He focuses on the beauty of diverse cultures, on a journey that can only be told on a canvas with great emotion to detail. As my eyes scanned the walls, I noticed that this artist knew about love. Love for mankind, love for nature, love for his homeland, Bulgaria, but most of all love for GOD. “ Teri Shields
I had the pleasure of meeting Hristo in Kardjali, Bulgaria in October 2005. His English is broken however his ability to communicate is remarkable. He is joyful, (although the photos I saw of him before our meeting I thought him to be a very serious soul). I was, pleasantly surprised. He welcomed my husband and me into his studio. My first impression was quaint. The room appeared to be filled with maps, paintings, a printing press and a small bed in the corner. There was a window that overlooked the streets of Kardjali, busy with daily life. But in his studio you had the feeling that you were somewhere else, perhaps visiting the local countryside or maybe exploring Africa or on a spiritual journey in the Holy Land. As my eyes scanned the walls, I noticed that this artist knew about love. Love for mankind, love for nature, love for his homeland, Bulgaria, but most of all love for GOD.
He begins with a humble apology:
Hristo: I am sorry I have limited number of paintings to offer to you. There was an exhibition in Holland, where I sold many. Since South Africa used to be its colony. People really liked the paintings. People were curious to see Africa through the eyes of a white man.
Teri: How many paintings were there?
Hristo: I made and exhibition of 35 paintings with the Africa theme. I only have a few left. This one on the wall (Freedom) has been published in a book. He reaches for a book (1001 Reasons to Love the Earth) to show us.
Gary: What is this one about?
Hristo: It is about creation and GOD. Everyday I admire the diversity and perfection of nature and I realize how great the Creator is. Man above all is the best creation, which is why man tries to create too. I love the Earth because it is one big studio.
Gary and I studied the painting on the wall. It is as interesting at the artist himself. It is a framed triangle painting of mixed technique. The outside edge of the painting is done in warm tones. In a monochromatic way, the story of creation is revealed, you must look deep or it blends well with the border foundation. But once you see it you can’t help but to smile, like you’re seeing something amazing for the first time, something not everyone is privileged to see. The center of the painting is vibrant with color, contrasting the border. The resurrection of Christ is revealed as part of creation process. It is truly an amazing piece. Your mind is full of questions or should I say reflection, of oneself.
Teri: Why did you choose Africa to paint about?
Hristo: In September 1999 I went on a journey through 23 countries that spread across three continents. (He stands to show us his highlighted route on the map on the wall) I went with Sorokin, a Russian man. I filmed a documentary about our trip for him. We rode mountain bikes and traveled 17,000 kilometers. In Africa much was revealed to me. The African people had purity and clearness in their eyes; this is something I tried to capture in my paintings. I was surrounded by nature everywhere where, man with nature, nature with man.
Gary: That is incredible. My impression of Africa is much more civilized. Tell us about the people in your paintings.
Hristo: They are called Masai – with narrow noses and long faces. The Masai pasture cows and look after them. They are very good warriors and hunters too- can catch big lions. They showed us this grass they smoke. They get king of dazed and then go hunting.
They also have this cocktail – 50:50 blood and milk. They think it is an elixir. It is there traditional drink.
We turn our attention to a leopard painting that is staring straight at us. On the other side of the room is a firebird that is exactly that, exploding with beauty.
Hristo: Civilization is everywhere. The myths about the savages and their spears are gone. Those people simply have special costumes with which to show off but that’s about it. But, if you want to make a photo, you have to pay $ 2. – They have learned how to earn money from everything. There are, of course, some wild places but they are fewer.
Teri: I can see why you want to preserve the natural beauty. Tell me about the painting of the village homes.
Hristo: Laughs, these painting and he shows us several, are of Bulgarian village homes. Now that Bulgaria is joining the European Union, there is much change and development. Our traditional countryside homes are disappearing. I want very much to remember Bulgaria, as it was as well as embracing what is to come.
Gary: I like your BMW! What is this a press of some sort?
Hristo: Yes, this is my printing press and the only part of my BMW that I own (a steering wheel that operates the press). In time, maybe, I will own the whole car! Both men laugh. I will show you the process.
Hristo carefully drew from a stack of prints to show. Most were of religious scenes. They were raised and carried themselves with great detail. As we viewed his prints, Hristo pulled a metal sheet from storage. He then unwrapped a cloth that had many needle like tools. He explained the process of etching the image as a negative and then with warm tones of dyes he pressed the prints. The images were breath taking.
Teri: What is this script that borders so many of your prints?
Hristo: On the journey we traveled through the Holy Land. Jordanian’s capital,
Amman was the most interesting place to me – Moses’ grave, built almost on the edge of a mountain. It is majestic place; you have the Hanna land at your feet while you can see Israel at the distance. I visited many interesting places. The script on the prints was taken from the tomb of Christ. It is etched around the opening. I asked the locals what it translates to, but was told it is very ancient and the meaning not fully translated. I sat outside the tomb and sketched the script. When I used the script in my artwork, I choose not use a particular order, just the design, a reminder of an empty grave.
Teri: This is beautiful work.
http://www.reasons-to-love-the-earth. com/ the artists xx.htm
Travelling through space and time is the dream of many people. Hristo Gaberov succeeds in both. He first crosses Africa by bicycle and then, using the plastic language of painting and drawing, leads us through the magical vastness of this mystical continent.
Kenya is one of the countries that impressed the artist most. This is where he saw the proud and beautiful Maasai who have preserved their culture alive amidst the colorful diversity of Africa.
Hristo’s antelopes, leopards, elephants and other beautiful animals intertwine in his paintings like some surreal collages of a magical dream.
All of us, who see through Hristo’s eyes, are being magically transferred to a different world – a world of pure joy and admiration for the diversity of life.
With his precise drawing and plastic painting, Gaberov places before the viewer the lens through which he has experienced Africa.
Enjoy the journey!
Vladimir Chukich
On September, 2nd, 1999 Hristo Gaberov and the traveller Volodya Sorokin started on a bike trip from Bulgaria to South Africa through the Middle East – Turkey, Syria,Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt – 5500 km for two months and a half. They flew from Cairo to Nairobi, Kenya. After that, on the bikes again, they rode through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe down to South Africa – 7000 km total. The travellers got back to Europe in the spring of 2000. They flew from Johannesburg to Lisbon, Portugal. Then, again on the bikes, they rode through Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and finally Bulgaria – 4 500 km total in Europe. There were no sponsors. Hristo and Sorokin had $ 1000 each.
The whole trip lasted 300 days. The travelers passed through 23 countries on three continents and rode the bikes for 16 500 km. Hristo and Volodya got back to Sofia, Bulgaria on June, 16th, 2000. After all this, Hristo hasn’t stopped reflecting African beauty in his art.
For more information, you can visit